Membrane purpose

Compact, modular and efficient


From 15 nm3/H of biomethane

Bi’gas is a turnkey solution for the purification of biogas in high purity biomethane (> 99.5 %), based on advanced membrane technology. It ensures optimal separation of CO₂ while minimizing energy consumption. Its compact and modular design facilitates its on -site integration as well as its future extensions. Robust and automated, it offers simplified exploitation and rapid return on investment.

Combined Heat and Power (CHP)

Premium cogeneration solution

Bi'gen | Bi'gen plus

Small and Medium Power

Bi'nergy has engineered its own range of CHP units, leveraging state-of-the-art technology, and collaborating with renowned manufacturers such as MAN and Toyota, specifically targeting small and medium power requirements. These cogeneration units are distinguished by their robust design, optimal performance, and outstanding reliability. As a result, maintenance costs are significantly minimized, setting a new standard in the industry.

Anaerobic Digestion

Profitable renewable energy for a sustainable future


Dry Fermentation

Bi’dry is a garage-type anaerobic digestion solution for batch dry anaerobic digestion. This solution is designed to treat stackable organic waste with a high dry matter content >25%. Bi’dry is a modular, efficient and insensitive to contaminants system for the production of biogas from solid residues.


Wet Fermentation

Bi’wet operates based on continuous mixed anaerobic digestion, tailored for processing liquid organic waste (TS < 12%). This process not only facilitates biogas production as a renewable energy source and revenue stream but also yields high-quality organic amendment. The resulting digestate is less odorous and more easily assimilated compared to raw livestock effluents. < 12%) which allows not only the production of biogas, a source of renewable energy and income, but also the obtaining of a high quality organic amendment, less odorous and better assimilated than raw livestock effluent: digestate .