About Bi'nergy

Bi'nergy is an industrial manufacturer of ex -cogenerators and standardized methanization solutions, making it possible to enhance organic energy waste.

Our expertise

Our Services

We offer a comprehensive range of services to help our clients better manage their biogas, CHP, and water treatment projects. These services include engineering, equipment installation, factory and on-site testing, and maintenance

Our solutions

From 15 nm³/h of biomethane

Membrane purpose

Bi’nergy is a manufacturer of complete solutions for the purification of biogas, based on membrane separation, making it possible to produce a pure biomethane containing more than 99 % of CH₄. These solutions are specially designed to adapt to low injection flows, with a treatment capacity of 15 nm³/h to 150 nm³/h of biomethane. They offer competitive CAPEX and optimized OPEX, thus ensuring economic profitability for our customers.

Small, Medium, and Large Scale Projects

Combined Heat and Power (CHP)

Bi'nergy est un fabricant de cogénérateurs fiables et conformes aux normes et directives européennes. Nos cogénérateurs Bi’gen sont le fruit d’un long processus de R&D mené en collaboration avec des acteurs majeurs de l'industrie. Ils se distinguent par un excellent rapport qualité-prix, avec des tarifs compétitifs et des coûts d’exploitation optimisés.

Wet and Dry

Anaerobic Digestion

Bi’nergy est un constructeur de solutions de méthanisations adaptées à divers types de déchets organiques, qu'ils soient liquides ou solides.

Our innovative products Bi’dry and Bi’wet allow optimal anaerobic digestion of organic waste to produce energy.

Tested and Approved Process

Wastewater treatment

Drawing on its experience in the design, construction, and operation of wastewater treatment plants, Bi'nergy offers reliable and cost-effective decentralized wastewater treatment solutions tailored for municipal, commercial, and industrial clients. Additionally, Bi'nergy provides tertiary treatment solutions enabling the reuse of treated wastewater for irrigation, industrial processes, and potable water.

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